I'm Amy, a California girl transplanted to Tennessee more than two decades ago - which basically makes me a local!
Years ago, I fell in love with a section of my local secondhand bookstore they call "Personal Earth Care", nestled between better known subjects like Gardening, Animal Care, and Field Guides. Without fail, the books I found there were a special recipe, blending a dirty-hands-on love of nature, a special kinship with the animal world, a do-it-yourself (and occasionally misplaced) confidence, a touch of self-deprecating humor, a deep appreciation for seasons in the year and in life, and both a comfort and a melancholy in the interconnectedness of all things.
I'm so grateful some clever and cheeky bookstore employee figured out how to collect these writings into a small but mighty collection, and I want to pay it forward to all my kindred spirits out there. If you find Library of Congress subjects too vast to navigate, and online search results too impersonal to trust, perhaps my personal taste will strike a cord with you!
Enjoy the bookshelf!